XAMPP is not meant for production use but only for development environments. You should see the XAMPP start page, as shown below. Type in the following URL in a web browser: The name of the XAMPP Control is 'manager-osx'. To stop XAMPP simply open XAMPP Control and stop the servers. To start XAMPP simply open XAMPP Control and start Apache, MySQL and ProFTPD. The commands and tools are the same for both. Since XAMPP 5.5.30 and 5.6.14, XAMPP ships MariaDB instead of MySQL. XAMPP is now installed below the /Applications/XAMPP directory. Double-click the image to start the installation process.It includes Apache, PHP and other XAMPP components and runs them in a Linux-based virtual machine on your OS X system.įor more information, refer to the blog post at. XAMPP-VM is a virtual machine for OS X.
It installs Apache, PHP and other XAMPP components directly on your OS X system, in the /Applications/XAMPP folder.
What is the difference between XAMPP for OS X and XAMPP-VM?